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Writing Center

Job Opportunities

Contact Writing Center  

Writing Center

Ilknur Sancak-Marusa
Writing Center Director
Phone: 610-430-5664 



Job Opportunities

Make an Appointment

How to Apply

For Graduate Students

Use the Application for Writing Center GA link to apply for a graduate assistantship in the writing center. Graduate Assistant applications are reviewed in April, August, and December. Please contact Margaret Ervin if you have questions about the process.

For Undergraduates

Undergraduate students interested in tutoring in the writing center as an hourly-wage worker should register for ENG 397. This course is part of the writings track in the English major, and for non-majors, it fulfills an upper-division writing emphasis requirement. If you have questions about the course, please contact Margaret Ervin

About Graduate Student Writing Tutors

We are pleased to have graduate students from diverse academic disciplines working as tutors in the writing center. In recent years, we have had representatives of the graduate programs in not only English but also Communication, Social Work, Public Health, Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), Geography, Psychology, Philosophy, and Counseling. This variety of backgrounds and disciplines underscores our mission to serve students, faculty, and staff from across campus. Prospective GA tutors must take ENG 600, the course on writing center theory and practice, to be eligible to work as a writing tutor. However, graduate students hired in the summer may take the course in the fall, consecutively with their first semester of employment in the writing center.

About Undergraduate Student Writing Tutors

We welcome undergraduate students from all academic disciplines as tutors in the writing center. Successful completion of ENG 397, Tutoring Writing, makes undergrads eligible to apply for the following semester. ENG 397, which familiarizes undergraduate students with writing center theory and practice, is a course in the English major writings track and counts as a cross-over course for students in the English major literatures track. For students in every major, ENG 397 is a writing emphasis course.

The Course that Prepares Students for Writing Center Work: ENG 397 or ENG 600

The course on writing center theory and practice is usually taught in a combined undergrad/grad section in the fall in late afternoon or evening. Students may access MyWCU from the WCU home page to obtain current information on course offerings.

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