The mission of the University Writing Council is coordination and enhancement of teaching across the curriculum. We seek to foster a culture of writing at WCU in which faculty are mentor writers and students are active, conscious, critical participants in their own growth as writers. Outcomes for the work of the UWC will be the following:
Objective 1: Alleviate student confusion regarding requirements, and enhance the process of student learning transfer by creating consistency and shared vocabulary among first-year writing courses, writing emphasis courses, and writing center tutoring.
Objective 2: Strengthen pedagogy in writing emphasis courses by providing faculty development in areas of writing instruction, writing to learn, interdisciplinary writing, and writing instruction for international students.
Objective 3: Advocate for the reputation of writing in the university, improve faculty satisfaction with writing emphasis courses, and support CAPC and faculty in the course approval process for writing-emphasis courses.
Objective 4: Improve student learning as indicated by student assessment and learning outcomes at all levels of the curriculum.
Objective 5: Expand the role of instructional technology for writing and the use of multi-media projects across the curriculum.
Objective 6: Steward university writing by determining, anticipating, and responding to the evolving needs of writing instruction while building partnerships across the curriculum and in the broader community.
The UWC comprises four members who hold four positions of responsibility for programs that design and assess writing instruction at WCU and/or provide academic support and tutoring services for writers.
Dr. Michael Burns
Academic Development
Program Writing Coordinator
Dr. Margaret Ervin
Writing Center Director
Dr. Tim Dougherty
First-Year Writing Coordinator
Dr. Justin Rademaekers
Writing Across the Curriculum Coordinator
The University Writing Committee works in collaboration with an advisory board comprised of two faculty members from each academic college, as well as two non-classroom representatives. The UWC Advisors are selected by nomination of the UWC members and their deans and are appointed to serve by the Office of the Associate Provost.