Current Programs Offered at West Chester University

Certificate in Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Important information about the educational debt, earnings, and completion rates of students who attended this program.

18 Credit Hours


HIS 545 Holocaust

HIS 546 Genocide in Modern History

(Four Courses)

Communication Studies

COM 503 Communication and Persuasive Influence

COM 505 Concepts and Criticism of Public Influence

Criminal Justice

CRJ 505 Nature of Crime and Delinquency

CRJ 555 Race, Class, and Crime

Literature and Film

EGE 409 Impact of Holocaust on German Literature and Film

ENG 573 Special Topics: Literature of the Holocaust


HIS 520 History of Racism, Bigotry, and Prejudice

HIS 523 History of Germany

HIS 535 Nationalism and Democracy in Europe, 1815-1914

HIS 536 Europe Since 1914

HIS 543 Jews in Modern European History

HIS 544 Final Solution in Europe

HIS 547 A-Socials and the Holocaust

HIS 548 Women in the Holocaust

HIS 549 American Perspectives on the Holocaust

HIS 602 Directed Readings in European History

HIS 651 Seminar

HIS 660 Field Studies


PHI 512 Ethical Theories

PHI 570 Bioethics

PHI 588 Philosophy of Human Rights


PSY 509 Advanced Social Psychology

PSY 540 Multicultural Psychology

PSY 543 Psychology of Group Processes

Minor in Holocaust Studies

The program in Holocaust and Genocide Studies deals not only with historical aspects of the Holocaust, but also with moral and political issues involved in the prevention of future genocides. It may be taken as one of the minors in the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Sciences programs.

Admission to the Program

An undergraduate in good standing at West Chester University may apply for a Minor in Holocaust Studies. Contact Dr. Jonathan Friedman, Director of the Holocaust/Genocide Education Center or call 610-738-0486.

Holocaust Minor Advisement Sheet
(18 semester hours required)

Required Courses.9 Semester Hours. Take each of the following three courses

Course Number

Course Title


HIS 332


every semester

HIS 349

Jew in History

every year

PHI 180


every semester

Elective Courses.9 Semester Hours. Take three courses selected from the following with the approval of the director of the Holocaust and Genocide Program:

ANT 120

Cultures of Ethnic Groups in America

offered every other fall

GER 221 or EGE 222

German Civilization

once a year

HIS 423

Modern Germany

offered fall semester

LIT 304

American Jewish Novel

once a year

PSC 252

Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

once a year


Public Opinion, Propaganda and Political Behavior

once a year

PSY 254

Social Psychology

every semester

SOC 335

Racial and Cultural Minorities

once a year

SSC 480

Ethnic Cultures Workshop

every other year

SWO 225

Race Relations

every semester

EGE 409

Holocaust in German Literature and Film

every other year

PHI 411

Philosophy of War

once a year

PHI 481

Philosophy of Human Rights

every other year

WOS 225

Introduction to Women and Gender Studies

every semester

PAX 200

Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies

every semester

Other courses can be substituted at the discretion of the director. Total of 18 semester hours for required + elective courses

Undergraduate Classes in Holocaust Studies

Since 1978, WCU has offered undergraduate classes in Holocaust studies. It is estimated that through the years 2,500 undergraduates have completed course work on the Holocaust at the university and in overseas classes. Added to this are over 500 graduate students in both graduate classes and at the Intermediate Center in Chester County, Pennsylvania.

Overview: Undergraduate Course Offerings

EGE 409 Impact of the Holocaust on German Literature and Film (3)
How propaganda (particularly film) contributed to the rise of Nazism. Postwar literature and films will be used to illustrate issues such as compliance to the regime, the role of the Vatican and legal institutions, individual and group responsibility, literary and cinematic representation of the Holocaust, guilt and the debates surrounding reconciliation, the contemporary relationship of Germany and Israel, and the legacy of the Holocaust for children of victims and perpetrators.

HIS 332 Holocaust (3)
Focuses on ethnic, nationalistic, economic, and religious causes of the Holocaust, including 20th-century Nazism, racism, and anti-Semitism, concluding with study of the Nuremburg trials.

HIS 349 The Jew in History (3)
Review of their 4,000 year history and of those civilizations that have welcomed the Jewish people. the study of the Jewish people in contemporary society is an important feature of the course.

HIS 423 Modern Germany (3)
Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries: Napoleonic Era, Rise of Prussia, nationalism and unification, imperialism and World War I, National Socialism, World War II, and divided Germany.

PHI 180 Introduction to Ethics (3)
Great ethical systems of history and their application to personal and social life. The right and the good; the nature of values; and critical dilemmas.

SOC 490 Topical Seminar in Sociology (3)
A topical seminar on the sociology of religion and the Holocaust.

Overseas Programs

Three overseas trips to Israel, the country that has more survivors than any other in the world, were taken during the past decade. Visited were historic sites as well as the world's most prominent Holocaust Museum, Yad Vashem. Classes were held, field trips taken, as well as visits with survivors, survivors' children and grandchildren. The Netherlands, (Amsterdam) was also visited. Here one group toured the "home" of Anne Frank and her family.

Our most recent trip was to the sites of camps and ghettos in Germany, the Czech Republic, and Poland. Hotels, breakfast and most dinners were provided as well as land transportation and a university professor as the guide.

Current and Future Overseas Trips

Future trips are presently in the planning stages. Three credits (graduate or undergraduate) may be earned through preparation, site visits, and a course paper. For information contact Dr. Jonathan Friedman, Director of the WCU Holocaust and Genocide Education center at or telephone (610)-436-2972.

In-Service Teacher Education Workshops

Chester County Intermediate Unit Teacher's Workshop

Teacher Education Workshops are held frequently during summer sessions. Presenters are teachers in the public schools, professors, survivors, veterans, museum curators, librarians, and writers. A day trip to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. is included.

Admission to the ProgramTeachers may apply at the Chester County Intermediate Unit (610) 524-2431

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