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Titles entered more than once denote more than one copy of the material listed.
Allport, Gordon W. ABC’s of scapegoating. New York: Anti-Defamation League, 1983.
Alon, Azaria. Our Visit to a Kibbutz. Printed in the Holy Land: Palphot Ltd., no date.
Barnett, Richard D., Abraham Levy. The Bevis Marks Synagogue. Oxford, England: Society of Heshaim at the University Press, 1975.
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Choosing to participate: facing history and ourselves. Brookline, Mass.: Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc., 1998.
Cohen-Kiener, Andrea and Susan Garber, eds. Jewish Philadelphia: A Student’s Guide. Philadelphia, PA: Jewish Campus Activities Board, no date.
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Golub, Jennifer, Renae Cohen. Working papers on Contemporary Anti-Semitism. What do Australians Know about the Holocaust? New York:American Jewish Committee, 1994.
Grobman, Alex. Those who dared: Rescuers and rescued: A teaching guide for secondary schools. Los Angeles, CA: Martyrs Memorial and Museum of the Holocaust of the Jewish Federation, 1995.
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Hertzberg, Claire Shavrick, Ronnie Berger. From Equality to Survival: The Jewish Experience in Italy: A Photographic and Documentary Exhibit December 6,1993-June 24, 1994. New York: The City University of New York, [1994?].
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Holocaust Resource Center and Archives. Janusz Korczak’s Warsaw. New York: City University of New York, no date.
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Holocaust Resource center and Archives. Queensborough Community College. Annotated Videography on Holocaust and related subjects. Bayside, New York: City University of New York, 1999.
Holocaust Resource center and Archives. Queensborough Community College. Annotated Videography on Holocaust and related subjects. Bayside, New York: City University of New York, 1999.
Holocaust Resource center and Archives. Queensborough Community College. Annotated Videography on Holocaust and related subjects. Bayside, New York: City University of New York, 1999.
Holocaust Resource center and Archives. Queensborough Community College. Annotated Videography on Holocaust and related subjects. Bayside, New York: City University of New York, 1999.
Holocaust Resource center and Archives. Queensborough Community College. Annotated Videography on Holocaust and related subjects. Bayside, New York: City University of New York, 1999.
Holocaust Resource center and Archives. Queensborough Community College. Annotated Videography on Holocaust and related subjects. Bayside, New York: City University of New York, 1999.
Holocaust Resource Center and Archives. Queensborough Community College. The City College of New York. An introduction to the Holocaust for the young reader: It really did happen. No Date.
Holocaust Resource Center and Archives. Queensborough Community College. The City College of New York. An introduction to the Holocaust for the young reader: It really did happen. No Date.
Holocaust Resource Center and Archives. Queensborough Community College. The City College of New York. An introduction to the Holocaust for the young reader: It really did happen. No Date.
Holocaust Resource Center and Archives. Queensborough Community College. The City College of New York. An introduction to the Holocaust for the young reader: It really did happen. No Date.
Holocaust Resource Center and Archives. Queensborough Community College. The City University of New York. Annotated Videography on Holocaust and Related Subjects: Video Library Database.
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International Declarations: Zionism and Racism. Washington, D.C., Palestine Information Office, 1981.
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Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia. Gratz College: Tuttleman Library: Video Collection.
Kremer, Roberta, ed. Diplomat Resources and the story of Feng Shan Ho. Vancouver, Canada: Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre, 1999.
Lane, Howard A. Shall children, too, be free? New York: Anti-Defamation League, 1968.
Lane, Howard A. Shall children, too, be free? New York: Anti-Defamation League, 1968.
Leeds, William and John Bosworth-Fling, eds. Bulletin West Chester State College, Vol. 94, June, 1966, no, 5.
Leeds, William and John Bosworth-Fling, eds. Bulletin West Chester State College, Vol. 94, June, 1966, no, 5.
Leeds, William and John Bosworth-Fling, eds. Bulletin West Chester State College, Vol. 94, June, 1966, no, 5.
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Littman, David. Jews under Muslim rule, II Morocco 1903-1912. Reprinted from The Wiener Library Bulletin,span>1976 Vol.XXIX, New series Nos.37/38. London, Eastern Press Ltd., no date.
Mack, Raymond W. and Troy S. Duster. Patterns of minority relations. New York: Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 1973.
Medicine and Pharmach: Ancient Jews and Arabs. Bloomfield, N.J.: Schering Corporation, 1957.
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Miriam Novitch, 1908-1990. In Hewbrew.
Oliver, Donald W., Fred M. Newmann. Nazi Germany: Social forces and personal responsibility. A Xerox Education Publications Unit Book adapted from the Harvard Social Studies Project. Columbus, OH: Xerox Corporation, 1968.
Pictorial History of the Jewish People. Jerusalem: Keter Books, 1973.
President’s Commission on the Holocaust. Washington, D.C. Report to the President: President’s Commission on the Holocaust, September 27, 1979.
Rachlin, Susan. The November Pogrom: Kristallnacht 1938-1988: Edicational Resource Guide. New York: The Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York, 1988.
Rosen, Philip. A young person’s introduction to the Holocaust. Melrose Park, PA: Holocaust Awareness Museum, 1995.
Rosenne, Shabtai. The Red Cross, Red Crescent, Red Lion and Sun the Red Shield of David. Pre-print Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, Vol. 5, 1975. Israel: Tel Aviv University, 1975.
Rudin, Claire. Children’s Books about the Holocaust: A selective Annotated Bibliography. Bayside, NY: The Holocaust Resource Center & Archives, 1998.
Rudin, Claire. Children’s Books about the Holocaust: A selective Annotated Bibliography. Bayside, NY: The Holocaust Resource Center & Archives, 1998.
Rudin, Claire. Children’s Books about the Holocaust: A selective Annotated Bibliography. Bayside, NY: The Holocaust Resource Center & Archives, 1998.
Schwartz, Marvin D. The Role of the Jew in the Forging of the Nation: The inaugural Exhibition of the Museum of American Jewish History, Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Museum of American Jewish History, 1976.
Simms, Richard L. and Gloria Contreras, eds. Racism and Sexism: Responding to the Challenge. Washington, D.C.: National Council for the social Studies, 1979.
Simon Wiesenthal Center Report. The new lexicon of hate: the changing tactics, language and symbols of America’s extremists. 1999.
Simon, Hermann. The New Synagogue, Berlin. Berlin, Germany: Edition Hentrich Berlin, 1999.
Snyder, Jill Donnie and Eric K. Goodman. Friend of the Court 1947-1982: To secure justice and fair treatment for all. New York: Anti-Defamation League, 1983.
Snyder, Jill Donnie and Eric K. Goodman. Friend of the Court 1947-1982: To secure justice and fair treatment for all. New York: Anti-Defamation League, 1983.
Social Studies School Service. Catalog. Holocaust Resources and Materials, 1999.
United States Holocaust Memorial Council. Days of Remembrance, 1989: Planning Guide, April 30-May 7, 1989.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Resistance during the Holocaust. Washington, D.C., United States holocaust Memorial Museum, no date.
United States Holocaust memorial Museum. Teacher’s Catalog. 1996-97.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Washington, D.C. Handicapped.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Washington, D.C. Handicapped.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Washington, D.C. Homosexuals.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Washington, D.C. Jehovah’s Witnesses.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Washington, D.C. Jehovah’s Witnesses.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Washington, D.C. Poles.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Washington, D.C. Sinti & Roma.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Washington, D.C. The Holocaust. From: Tell them we remember by Susan Bachrach, Little, Brown and Company, 1994. >
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Washington, D.C. Voyage of the St. Louis.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Washington, D.C.. Resistance during the Holocaust. No date.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Washington, D.C.. Resistance during the Holocaust. No date.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Flight and Rescue. Exhibit 2000-2001.
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