409 Main Hall
West Chester, PA 19383
Call: (610) 436-2972
Email: jfriedman@wcupa.edu
20th Anniversary Scholars Conference - Elie Wiesel, Vanderbilt University, 1990. (2 copies)
20th Anniversary Scholars Conference, 1990: Lessons of the Holocaust
40 Years Late: Yaffa Eliach, 1985
Abandonment of the Jews - Professor David Wymann
After the Holocaust - Channel 12
America and the Holocaust: Deceit and Indifference.
Ann Frank Day - Philadelphia, 1984.
April 9, 1945: “I Was There” European Scholars, filmed at Main Hall, WCU 4/9/87.
Armenian Genocide, PBS.
Assignment: Rescue. Narrated by Meryl Streep, A Richard Kaplan Film. (About Varian Fry, an American who saved over 2000 refugees trapped in Vichy France from the Gestapo) Includes study guide, book, and resource guide in two folders.
Auschwitz and the Allies - Eichmann (graphic content)
Auschwitz, etc.
Black Philadelphia Memories
C.A.N.D.L.E.S. , Mengle Twins Return to Auschwitz, 1990. (2 copies)
C.A.N.D.L.E.S: Story of the Return of Mengle Twins to Auschwitz, 1988.
Cambodian Genocide - Dr. Shur w/Rod Vosburgh, 6/3/00 (2copies)
Candles: Film Award - Caring with dignity. Campus Program
Caring with Dignity: Over 50 years of helping Holocaust survivors. Blue Card.
Chaos of Consent - Time/Life Inside the Third Reich
Charge of the Light Brigade, The.
Christians and the Holocaust - Weapons of the Spirit.
Coming to America / Jews
Continuing Task, The: Shur, Friedman, Wolf, 1986
Czechoslovakia: 1938, Dr. Yuri Polski and Overview of WW II, Dr. Tom Heston. (2 copies)
Daniel’s Story: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (2 copies)
Danish Lutheran Church & Rescue of Jews
David Cole: Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper (2 copies)
Dedication of the Sender Frejdowitz Holocaust Library Collection 10/10/99.
Dedication of the Sender Frejdowitz Holocaust Library Collection, Arrival of guests and Program.
Documentary : Different Suffering Groups. David Cole Interviews Dr. Francisez Piper.
Documentary: Death March - Documentary of different suffering groups.
Dr. Phil Rosen, Interviews - 4 GI’s who liberated Camps
Dr. Phil Rosen, Interviews - 4 Survivors, 1990
Dr. Rosen - Interviews with 4 GI’s Who Liberated Camps
Dr. Shur - Understanding Our Jewish Neighbors, 1992
Dr. Shur, 1984 - JCC Lectures
Dr. Shur: Turkish 9/18/00.
Effects of the Holocaust on Children of Survivors, Part I, II, III.
Elie Eiesel, Oprah Show
Elie Weisel, Dr. Shur - WHYY, Philadelphia
Elie Wiesel “A message of the second generation.
Elie Wiesel on Oprah Winfrey
Elie Wiesel: Nashville Conference
Ellis Island
Empty mirror, The.
Entebbe Raid, The.
Eric Severid: Warsaw Destruction, 1944.
Eternal Jew, The (in German).
Ethnic Hatreds - Signposts of the Past
Exiles, The - Those Fleeing Europe.
Eye of the Dictator - Story of News Cameramen
Eye On - Echoes of Hell, Part I during War - From Pain Comes Knowledge.
Famine in the Ukraine in the 1930s: Speaker Ivan Danylinko. (5 copies)
Farrakhan/Madison Square Garden
Fiddler on the Roof, Topal
Four Stories of Hiding and Rescue: Testimonies of Survivors who were Children During the Holocaust
From Nuremberg to Nuremberg.
From Toledo to Jerusalem: A musical journey through 500 years of Sephardic Life. W/Dehoram Gaon.
General George S. Patton: World War II Remembered (6 hours)
Genocide: May 1987
Goldberg Commission Report, 3/1/85
Good Earth, The.
Harrison 4/3/92
Hate Program Research 1/4/2001 - Dr. Shur
Hidden in Silence. Bridgestone Multimedia. (3 copies)
Historical Revisionism: Cleveland College, 1988.
History of the SS/Hitler’s Number One Enemy, The: Buried Alive
Hitler - Complete History
Hitler & Stalin - Charles Kuralt - Two Monsters, 1995.
Hitler Documentary - Ruth Bond
Hitler Man and Myth, Hitler’s Henchmen from Nuremberg to Nuremburg
Hitler Portrait of a Tyrant
Hitler: Man of Myth ,#2
Hitler: The New Generation
Hitler’s Henchmen. Directed by Michael Cambell, 1991.
Holocaust (TV) Walter Kronkite -40 years after
Holocaust a Remembrance. Holocaust Memorial Education Center.
Holocaust Camps, The: Buchenwald, Terezin, Pt. I, Deniers of the Holocaust, Pt. 2 (4 copies).
Holocaust Conference - Philadelphia, 1982: Bauer, Littell, Mermelstein
Holocaust Conference pt. 1 & 2, 1987.
Holocaust Conference, 15th Anniversary - Cornelson, Littell, Specter, Evans
Holocaust Conference, 1988 - Church Struggle and the Jews
Holocaust Conference, First Annual - West Chester University, 1978
Holocaust Conference, Washington, 1980
Holocaust Conference: Cleveland, 1987 - Wolf, Hochauser, Shur, Mermelstein
Holocaust Conference: Philadelphia, 1985 - Jan Karksi
Holocaust Conference: Philadelphia, 1988 - The Road to Auschwitz
Holocaust in the Memory of Millions: Walter Kronkite
Holocaust Museum
Holocaust Presentation, George C. Preston ( 2copies)
Holocaust Studies - Racism Against Blacks, USA, 7/2/00
Holocaust Studies, Day One - Dr. Phil Rosen, 8/28/00 ( 2 copies)
Holocaust Survivors TV Broadcast - Children Jews and non-Jews
Holocaust, pt. 1, 2, 3. The Story of Man’s Inhumanity to Man ( three tapes).
Holocaust: The story of man’s inhumanity to man. Entire film. (3 copies)
Hom Hashoah, Tape 2. No date.
House on Garibaldi Street / Waldheim Trial.
Impact of the Holocaust on European Christians /Genocide in Paraguay.
Interview with Dr. Grassel (3 copies)
Interview with Skinhead Frank Meeink, Dr. Shur
Interview, 1988 - Miriam Levinson: -- Survivor, Warsaw Ghetto
Intros. to Weisel & Karski. Speaker Dr. Irene Shur, WHYY TV12, 1985.
Investigative Reports - Blood Money in Switzerland’s Nazi Gold
Judgement at Nuremberg
Killing of Klienfeld, The.
Kristallnacht/1938 Interviews Factions
Kristian Wallace from TV - Adolph Hitler the Man and Myth; Liberators Accounts of Camps; Jude Genocide; Biographies - Adolph Hitler: the fatal attraction (A&E)
Last 10 Days, The - Hitler
Last Chapter, The, narrated by Theodore Bikel.
Last Emperor, The.
Lest We Forget Yom Ha’shoa: Holocaust Remembrance Day, Pt. 1, 5/1/00
Lest We Forget Yom Ha’shoa: Holocaust Remembrance Day, Pt. 1, 5/1/00 (5 copies)
Lest We Forget Yom Ha’shoa: Holocaust Remembrance Day, Pt. 2
Lodz Ghetto: The classroom version. Jewish Heritage Project, 1992.
Longest Hatred, The. pt. 1 of 2
Longest Hatred, The: The History of Anti-Semitism. Films for the Humanities & Sciences pt. 2 of 2.
Lynching and Racism Against Blacks in the United States with LaTonya Thames-Leonard
Lynching in the U.S. - 12/4/00
M. Levinson
Masada, 4 parts (4 tapes).
Memories of Warsaw: Miriam Levinson, 1993
Minorities: Crimes Against Humanity, Neil Chippendale (3 copies)
Morris Dees - KKK fighter
Mother Thresa, 10/5/1997
Murder of Armenians 1915-1917, speaker Marc Mumjian (3 copies).
Murderer Among Us: Simon Wiesenthal Story
National Association of Holocaust Education, 1989
Nazi Gold - Leni Riefenstahl (3 copies)
Nazi War Criminals in America 1950: Children of the Holocaust Survivors
Never Forget: Life of Mel Mermelstein. Leonard Nemoy.
New School Order - North Penn Story
Night - Elie Wiesel
Night: 8th Grade Summer Reading. Lauuren Boerlin
Of Shattered Childhoods & Voices That Sound a Warning
Oklahoma City Bombing. NBC Nightly News.
Others, The. Dr. Shur with guest Dr. Wm. Hewitt (4 copies).
Out of Hitler’s Reach: The Scattergood Hostel for European Refugees, 1939-43. Michael Luick-Thams, June 1998, Iowa Public TV.
Overcoming Prejudice & Discrimination -- Educational Video Network
Overview of WW II, Dr. Tom Heston
Palestine, Part III
Palestine, part III, II, I
Paul A. Rodenbaugh Testimonial Dinner. 12/8/99.
Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941 - Dec. 7, 1989
Perpetrators and the Victims, The. ( 2 copies)
Phil Donahue: Discussion on Holocaust
Phil Rosen - Mrs. Sickel
Place of Memory
Playing for time: Women in Auschwitz Prison Orchestra.
Prejudice and Hate: Georgians & the Holocaust: Georgia Commission on the Holocaust, 1994.
Prejudice. Educational Video Network.
Propaganda 20th Century/ Bio: Josef Mengele
Racism & The U.S. Armed Forces WWII: Dr. Shur interviews 3 vets
Racism and the Armed Forces: WWII -Irene Shur 10/24/95
Racism: WWII Dr. Proctor, Dr. Bagley, Captain Irons, Mr. Loper, Irene Shur, WCU Aug 1995
Reporting news falsely from Israel -NBC Anthony King 7/27/1962
Review Israel - History of Jews. 3/88.
Revisionism in France - Pastor Bonifas, 1987
Riddle, The: Adolph Hitler: Nazi Apostles 1933-1945. Atawolf.
Robert Clary: A 5714 A Memoir of Liberation. (2 copies)
Roots of Hate, The: New Testament and Anti-Semitism. Film for the Humanities, 1999.
Safe Haven A Story of Hope, A Yesterday’s News Production, 2000.
Search for Common Ground
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls, The. Questar, Inc.
Sender & Dr. Shur from Kevin
Shindler’s List. 2 tapes, Universal Pictures, 1993.
Shoa, I & II
Son of Heaven: Imperial Arts of China: Jeannine Eeholt, ed, 1988.
Speaker - Survivors, Craine. Yom Hashoa. Apr.22 Tape II.
Student Projects HIS545 -- Nancy Dershaw, Gert Novin, Collen M. Stern, Dennis Fisher, David Schwenk, Pat Graves (3 copies)
Student Projects HIS545, 11/20/00 - Colleen Stern and Dennis Fisher, Leonard Train, Chris Bowen, Tom Breitnall and Ed Campbell, Richard Daisley, Rod Vosburgh and Debbie Meltzer, David Schwenk. (2 copies)
Student Projects HIS545, 11/27/00 - Marlene Sugarman and Mindelle Pierce, Tracy Axelrod, Faith Liebman and Eleanor Butler, Jim McNeil, John Lott. (3 copies)
Survivor George Preston/Soldier’s Story: David Wolf. (6 copies)
Survivor, George Preston. (3 copies)
Survivors and Liberators Jan 1990
Survivors of the Holocaust
Survivors of the Holocaust. Turner Broadcasting. Stephen Spielberg and Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation, 1996. ( 3 copies)
Survivors of the Shoa, Jan. 8, 1995
Survivors, Auschwitz, Buchenwald - George Preston Presentation
Susan, Child of the Holocaust, 1987
Susan/Mengele Twins
Teacher to Teacher: Holocaust Training Project - Georgia Commission on the Holocaust, 2000.
Teaching the Holocaust & Its lesson -- Panel
Ten Commandments, The, 35th Anniversary Edition. Cicil B. De Mille (2 tapes in jacket).
Then there were Giants: Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin.
Three Concentration Camps 1945. Dr. Shur 1/30/96. ( 2 copies).
To the Year 2024: Carggas Lecture, 1982.
Trial of Adolf Eichmann. PBS Home Video.
Ukraine Harvest.
Ukrainian Famine of the 1930s, speaker Ivan Danylenko. (2 copies)
United Negro College Fund
Victims, The: The Jews/The Persecutors: The Nazis. (3 copies)
Voyage of the damned: The incredible story of the ship that shamed the world. Line Home Video, Inc. 1992.
Wallenberg Dinner - Speaker, Morris Wolf
Wallenberg Hitler’s #1 enemy
Wannsee Conference, The. Infafilm GmbH Munich, 1984.
Wannsee Conference, The. ( 2 copies)
Warsaw Ghetto Fights Back; The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, April-May 1943
What German Children Learn, Benckemer and General Education Developments, Walter Derm
World Chassidic Festival
World War I. Philip Rosen 8/28/00. (2 copies)
World War II Remembered. Diamond Entertainment Corp., 1992.
Yom Ha’shoa Commemoration program 1998-2 tapes
Yom Hashoah Commemoration Program, WCU Newman Student Center, 4/98, Pt.1.
Yom Hashoah Commemoration Program, WCU Newman Student Center, 4/98, Pt.2.
Yom Hashoah Program: Newman Center, WCU 4/22/98. Tape 1. (2 copies).
Yom Hashoah, 1988.
Yom Hashoah, Tape 1. No date.