Health Update: 3/6/20
WCU Suspends All Travel for University Business
Dear Faculty and Staff:
As West Chester University continues to monitor the rapidly evolving issues and concerns surrounding COVID-19 (novel coronavirus), it is clear that WCU must suspend all non-essential travel for University business effective, Friday, March 6, 2020. As such, all official travel is suspended for University business both internationally and domestically outside of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for faculty, staff, and students. This policy decision will remain in effect until further notice.
In response to this policy decision, you are strongly encouraged to use remote access capabilities (i.e. Zoom, Skype, etc.) where appropriate and/or possible to attend essential University business that would otherwise necessitate travel outside the Commonwealth.
While the administration acknowledges the impact this policy decision may have on your work, know that we seek to protect you as a valued member of the West Chester University community. Please continue to monitor our WCU Coronavirus Website for details.
William J. Helzlsouer
Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
More info:
WCU Corona Virus Website