May 11, 2021

West Chester University President Announces In-person Fall 2021 Semester to All Students

First day of in-person, on-campus instruction will be August 30, 2021 

Fall Semester in personIt will be full steam ahead for an in-person fall semester at West Chester University (WCU)!  West Chester University President Christopher Fiorentino released an announcement to all current and accepted students informing them and their families that WCU will provide in-person, on-campus instruction for the fall 2021 semester beginning on Monday, August 30, 2021, the first day of instruction for the fall semester. In a message entitled “Looking Forward to WCU’s In-person Fall 2021,” President Fiorentino said:

Dear West Chester University Student,

Governor Wolf’s recent announcement about the lifting of COVID restrictions has all of us at WCU very excited for an in-person fall semester that will provide the traditional collegiate experience in an environment that we are committed to keeping safe and healthy. Rams are ready to reengage this fall and you can look forward to in-person experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. We are prepared to welcome all of you to campus on Monday, August 30, 2021!

With the abundance of vaccines that are now available, we are thrilled that students, faculty, and staff have been or are in the process of getting vaccinated. While not a requirement, we are happy that so many see the value of the vaccine as a way to protect our community and our Golden Ram community. To date, approximately 42% of PA residents have been vaccinated and it is anticipated that soon 70% of PA residents will be fully vaccinated. If you have not been vaccinated yet, we strongly encourage you to do so.

This fall, you can expect:

  • All in-person classes with the requirement to wear face coverings
  • Classes that were online prior to the Covid pandemic will continue to be offered online
  • Fully occupied residence halls with programming, as well as continuous cleaning and routine disinfecting
  • WCU athletic events with spectators and in accordance with state requirements and guidelines
  • Numerous on-campus student activities and programs in accordance with state requirements and guidelines
  • COVID testing for any student who has COVID-like symptoms or believes they have been exposed to COVID

We know that you have questions. Please see our updated FAQs and know that we continue to work around the clock to prepare for your safe arrival in the fall. Treating you like gold will always be our first priority.


Christopher Fiorentino



Details about WCU’s fall move-in to on-campus residences will be distributed in the next several weeks. The University continues to work with shared governance members, union leadership, student leaders, and employees to ensure a safe learning and working environment that maintains academic rigor, provides accessibility for all, and ensures the success of West Chester University students.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) can be found here:


Watch: WCU Returns In Person Fall 2021

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