Resources for Students
Counseling Center on D2L
How to Enroll
Click HERE to enroll in the Counseling Center page on D2L. Under the “Content” tab, you’ll have access to self-paced Ram Plan courses. Students can get credit for the Ram Plan by completing the video module and quiz for each course.
Courses Offered
Seeking Counseling: When? How? Who?
This Ram Plan course describes what counseling is and how you might determine if you’d want to try it out. Learn what you can expect from counseling and how to best use it, while challenging some of the common myths about counseling.
All About Anxiety Workshop
Anxiety is a very common presenting problem in college students. This workshop will allow you to learn about stress management, anxiety, and self-care strategies. You will also be able to recognize symptoms of anxiety disorders and will be provided information on how to seek services at the Counseling Center. This workshop is based on a group intervention offered by Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at the Pennsylvania State University. The materials are used with permission from the psychologist, Dr. Shannan Smith-Janik, who designed the group intervention.
I need help with…
Alcohol, Drugs, and Addictive Behavior
Anti-Racism Resources
Anxiety & Panic
- BIPOC Mental Health Resource Guide
- Therapy for Racial Justice Activists
- Family Care, Community Care and Self Care Tool Kit: Healing in the Face of Cultural Trauma
- Black Lives Matter: Toolkit
- Emotionally Restorative Self Care: People of Color
- Filling Our Cups: 4 Ways People of Color Can Foster Mental Health and Practice Restorative Healing
- Grief is a Direct Impact of Racism: Eight Ways to Support Yourself
- Radical Self-Care in the Face of Mounting Racial Stress
- Racial Trauma is Real
Bystander Interventions
General Mental Health
- 211 - to access free and confidential crisis and emergency counseling, disaster assistance, food, health care and insurance assistance, stable housing and utilities payment assistance, employment services, veteran services and childcare and family services.
- 101 Ways to Take Care of Yourself when the World Feels Overwhelming
- The Mighty Blogs: A safe, supportive community for people facing health challenges and the people who care for them
- TWLOHA Blog: Read inspiring posts like "Fear Won't Win" and "Hope Will Not be Cancelled"
- Actively Moving Forward (AMF): National network created in response to the needs of grieving young adults, ages 18-25
- National Institute of Mental Health
Grief & Loss
Grounding & Distress Tolerance Skills
Eating & Bodies
Managing Stress in Traumatic & Uncertain Times
Mindfulness & Meditation
Neurodivergent Support
Parenting Student Support
Relationships, Boundary Setting & Healthy Communication
Self Compassion & Self Esteem
Suicide & Suicide Prevention
- American Association of Suicidology
- American Foundation of Suicide Prevention
- Now Matters Now
- United Suicide Survivors International
- Speaking of Suicide
- Alliance of Hope
- Emotionally Naked
- Stop a Suicide Today
- The Trevor Project
- Understand Suicide
- JED Foundation
- Suicide Crisis Lifeline
- Trans Lifeline
Transition & Adjustment
- Set to Go: Your Guide from Transitioning from High School to College
- The Jed Foundation's Transitioning Health and Mental Health Care to College Resources
- Transition-of-Care Guide
- If you are a potential WCU student or a family member, caregiver, or other individual of a potential WCU student, we welcome you to consider helping the student plan for the transition to managing their mental well-being in the college setting. This resource (PDF) is a Transition of Care guide that assists students in developing a plan for transitions their mental health care to the college environment.
Wellness Apps & Online Tools
Helpful Videos and Media
Resources for Non-Students
Handouts for Faculty and Staff
Videos for Faculty and Staff
Resources for Parents and Families
- Office for Parent and Family Relations
- Navigating Your Student's Transition to College
- 9 things college mental health counselors wish parents understood
- Transition-of-Care Guide
- If you are a potential WCU student or a family member, caregiver, or other individual of a potential WCU student, we welcome you to consider helping the student plan for the transition to managing their mental well-being in the college setting. This resource (PDF) is a Transition of Care guide that assists students in developing a plan for transitions their mental health care to the college environment.
Talking to your student about alcohol and other drugs
- Talking to Your College Student about Alcohol (Illinois State University Handout)
- Talking to Your College Student about Alcohol (Stanford University Handout)
- Talking to Your College Student about Alcohol (SAMHSA Handout)
- Everfi: How to Talk to Your Student About Alcohol
- College Drinking Prevention: Fact Sheets and Tools for Parents
- Discussing Alcohol With Your College Student