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Art + Design

Alumni Spotlight

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Art + Design

E.O. Bull Center, Room 133/143
2 E. Rosedale Ave.
West Chester, PA 19383

Phone: 610-436-2755

Faculty Contact Information


Jon Yucis
  • Area of Study: Graphic Design
  • Current City: Phoenixville, PA
  • Graduation Date: Spring 2003
  • Current Occupation: Creative Director and Owner, Practice Creative

Why did you choose WCU and/or the Department of Art + Design?
I actually came to WCU originally to play soccer. The design department at a particular school wasn't my top priority at the time, it was second to finding the right school to play ball. However, since my first design class way back in 9th grade, designing and printing t-shirts, I knew I wanted a career in design. Once I landed at WCU, and started into the curriculum, designing and honing my craft quickly leap-frogged soccer.

What training or education did the Department of Art + Design provide for you that relates to your current occupation?
A lot... design principles, color, typography, all of the core essentials of design. But the main thing is, it forced me to forge out my own distinct style and approach. This took a lot of time, effort and failure, but in the end I think ultimately WCU equipped me with the confidence, and self-awareness to go out into the world and become what I wanted to be.

What is a typical day like for you?
There really is no "typical day" here. In addition to my top responsibility - establishing style, direction, tone, etc. to our client's projects, I'm responsible for a million other things: from important things like generating new business, all the way down to the not as important things, like what kind of beer we should have stocked up in the fridge.

What advice would you give to someone who would like to enter your field?
Collaborate. Try to work with as many colleagues, and share as many ideas, as you can. I think I went the opposite route initially. I was quiet to share my big ideas, as I selfishly wanted them for myself. I was a bit short-sighted in that aspect. I was focusing on trying to look like the smart, creative guy, more so than looking for help and ideas from others, to really push that idea or concept to be as strong as it possibly could be. So yeah, share, collaborate. It only makes you better.

What is your favorite memory of being a student at WCU and/or in the Department of Art + Design?
Tough question. This probably isn't the right forum to discuss my favorite personal memories from college... but closely related to that would probably be the friendships I formed during my time there. I think in college you get an education first and foremost. But almost as important to that education, is that college forces you to develop your personality as an adult, and form relationships that really dictate who you are going to be, and what you are going to accomplish.

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