Art + Design Prospective Students
Visit Art + Design
The Department of Art + Design will be offering tours throughout the fall / spring semesters and summer. Tour requests can be made directly with the department to arrange a day and time that works best for you. Please contact David Jones by email or call 610-436-2755 to schedule a tour.
Register for a Shadow Day!Applying to Art + Design
All prospective art majors must first apply for admission to WCU prior to submitting a portfolio. The Department of Art + Design cannot review any student portfolios from students who have not completed an application with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Once you have completed your application, you will receive a request via email to submit your portfolio to Slideroom, an online portfolio review site. You will need to register and pay a nominal fee in order to upload your portfolio to Slideroom. Portfolios will be reviewed weekly so we encourage you to submit your portfolio as soon as it is completed. Once the Department of Art + Design has reviewed your portfolio, you will be notified of the results by email from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
Learn More about the portfolio process.
Art + Design Scholarships
The Besse Grubb Memorial Scholarship for Graphic Design, is named after Bessie Grubb, who was employed at West Chester University in the College of Education's Visual Aids Department for 30 years until her retirement in 1969. This scholarship is awarded to an outstanding graphic design major in their junior year.
The Jack Gardener Hawthorne Scholarship, made possible by Jack Hawthorne, is awarded to a first-year art major based on the quality of his or her portfolio. Applicants are encouraged to submit their portfolio in August for review and selection by the Department of Art + Design faculty.
The Kaye D. and Robert D. McKinney Scholarship for Painting candidates will be recommended for selection by the WCU Department of Art + Design chair to the dean of the College of Visual and Performing Arts. This scholarship is available to students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate degrees in the Department of Art + Design and are awarded annually.
The Cody DiAngleo Memorial Scholarship in Graphic + Interactive Design is given in memory of Cody H. DiAngelo, a 2015 BFA graduate with honors. This scholarship is awarded annually to an outstanding full-time graphic + interactive design major in their junior year. The recipient will be selected based on their strong work ethic, creative ability, design innovation, conceptual thinking, and intellectual curiosity along with the recommendation of the graphic + interactive design faculty and department chair.
You can find a list of other scholarship opportunities that may be of interest to our Art + Design students here.
Learn More about University Scholarships
You can view a list of recent Scholarship and Award Winners on our Community page.
Art + Design Opportunities
The Department of Art + Design offers students other learning opportunities outside of the classroom. Below are a few examples of opportunities offered to our students:
The Museum Experience Program encourages and provides art majors with the opportunity to encounter visual art of both historical and contemporary significance. The Department of Art + Design conducts two charter bus trips each semester to a museum or gallery in a neighboring major city.
The John H Baker and Knauer Galleries provide a range of international, national and regional exhibitions. The galleries are an educational resource for students and faculty. The Department of Art + Design will host an average of 15 exhibitions a year including alumni and current student shows. Many of the exhibiting artists also give gallery talks and demonstrations.
Graphic Design Interns work with professional designers in print and interactive design at design, advertising or media firms. Recent placements have included: The Vanguard Group, QVC, Gecko Group, 20/10 Solutions, Johnston Duffy, Philadelphia Style magazine, Durkan Group, and Anthropologie. Students consult with their advisor and review the various department listings.
The Summer Visual Arts Camp provides students with the opportunity to experience teaching art to young students.
Study Abroad opportunities through art history courses in the Department of Art + Design are numerous and include volunteer trips during the WCU Winter Session as well as summer study abroad trips. Since 1999, students have traveled to Oxford, England for British art history studies; Paris and Provence in the footsteps of famous artists; to Egypt examining Pharaonic tombs, riding camels and visiting and mosques and museums; climbing the acropolis in Athens and sailing to the Greek Islands including the Western coast of Turkey; studying the diverse art and architecture of Spain; meditating on the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in Florence, Venice and Rome and planning service learning jaunts to Cuba, Vietnam, India and South America. These study abroad opportunities enliven our student's studio art experiences and broaden the cultural context of art studies for majors as well as other students at WCU.
Art + Design Organizations
The Art Collective meets approximately every two to three weeks during the fall and spring semesters. Typical meetings center around discussion of activities the students are interested in pursuing over the academic year, upcoming art events in the department and the surrounding community, and information on service opportunities. Guest artists and workshops are also part of the activities. Students hold offices and meet all the requirements of student organizations.
AIGA, the professional association for design, is where design professional go first to exchange ideas and information, to participate in critical analysis and research, and to advance education and ethical practice. The WCU student chapter of this national organization, which meets monthly, organizes activities for its members to stimulate interest and understanding of graphic design through attending lectures, participating in student exhibitions, competitions, and field trips to area design firms.
The Illustration Club serves as an extracurricular arts organization for the sponsorship of student exhibitions, guest exhibitions, gallery demonstrations, group gallery trips, and visiting artist lectures.
The Art History Social Club's core objectives are to create a space to discuss topics in art history, to aid each other in graduate school preparation, and to use the study of art as a mechanism for bringing about social change in our community.