Associate Professor of Art History
- Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1997
- M.A., California State University, Long Beach, 1990
- B.A. (Liberal Studies), University of the State of New York, 1980
Teaching Experience
- West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Associate Professor, 1998-present
- Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Study Abroad Program, Egypt and Greece,
Instructor, 1997, 1999
- California State University, Long Beach, Instructor, 1995-1997
- University of California, Riverside, Instructor, 1994-1995
Professional Experience
- Editorial Board. Global Education Institute Newsletter. West Chester University. 2006.
- Editor. Journey into Mysticism. Art Catalogue: Antonio Puri. Essay by Donald Kuspit.
- Director: Art History Study Abroad Program: Oxford; Egypt; Greece & Turkey; Paris
& Provence; Florence; Venice, Florence, Rome; Greece; Cycladic Islands. 1999-2007.
- Prentice Hall. Greek and Roman Art. da Costa, Virginia and Heather Sharpe. In progress,
- The Celator. Five Olympian Goddesses: Aphrodite (2003); Artemis, Athena (2006), Demeter
and Hera (forthcoming).
- US Dept of Education. Moroccan Women: Artists and Artisans. 2001.
- Encyclopedia of Greece and the Hellenic Tradition. Painting, Portraits, Purple, 2000.
Selected Bibliography
- Philadelphia Inquirer, Neighbors. She Sharpened her Skills: Art History professor
travels the world. 2003.
- Daily Local News. CCAA Takes a Chance. 2003.
- 8th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. Dreams and Visions
as Inspiration for Creativity. Panel Chair and presenter. 2007.
- Center for Renaissance and Baroque Studies Symposium: Attending to Early Modern Women
- and Men. Honor and Identity through the Lens of Cross Dressing: a Pedagogy Workshop.
University of Maryland. 2006.
- 9th Annual Mediterranean Studies Association Congress, Genoa. Honor and Identity in
Early Modern European Portraits (1550-1900). 2006.
- 4th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. Cross Dressing
in Early Modern Europe. 2005.
- National Association for Humanities Education. Using the Teacher/Scholar Model for
Student Research. 2003.
- 2nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. The Teacher/Scholar
Model: Promoting Student Participation. 2003.
- 26th Annual European Studies Conference. The Classical Woman: Goddess, Muse, Artist.
- Dreams and Visions: Contemporary Postcard Exhibition. The Lost Children: Pieces of
Me and Circles and Dots: A Nightmare. Mixed media. 2007.
- Member Exhibition, Chester County Art Association. Tullia d'Aragona: Courtesan and
Poet. Woodblock print. 2006.
- Faculty Exhibition. Long Gallery, West Chester University. CU. Moderata Fonte: Venetian
Writer. Woodblock print. 2006.
- Presidential Scholarship Gala Silent Auction. Veronica Franco: Venetian Courtesan
and Poet. Woodblock print. 2006.
- International WCU Faculty Exhibition. Beijing Normal, China. Moderata Fonte and Veronica
Franco. Woodblock prints. 2005.
- CVPA, Sykes Student Union Faculty Art Exhibition. Drawing Down the Moon. Mixed media.
Collection Women's Studies Dept. Office. 2005.
- CCAA, Allinson Gallery. Salome's Dance and Coptic Dancer. Juried. 2005.
- CCAA, Huston Gallery. Mater, Mare-mynd, Matriarch. Mixed media. 2004.
- CCAA. Ukiyo-e: Creative Woodblock Prints. Solo show with Belle Hollon. 2003.
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