Undergraduate Studies (For Students Entering Before Fall 2021)

The undergraduate program in English at WCU is designed to help students become sophisticated readers, writers, thinkers, and speakers capable of interpreting and creating texts in all of their complex forms. Our majors learn to engage in nuanced critical thinking; conduct meaningful research; craft persuasive arguments; and express their ideas with style, clarity, and confidence. We invite you to use the links on this page to learn more about undergraduate studies in English, and to contact us with any questions you might have.

Please note that all information on this page is only valid for students entering before Fall 2021; anyone declaring the major in Fall 2021 or later should consult the page for the current B.A. degree.

English Majors' Handbook

English Major's Handbook

The English Majors' Handbook contains everything you need to know about majoring in English at WCU. In addition to detailed advising sheets and course listings for all degrees and tracks, the handbook offers useful information on minors, internships, graduation requirements, career opportunities, and the many special experiences available to you as an English major. Previous editions of the handbook are available:2020-2021 edition , 2019-2020 edition , 2018-2019 edition , 2017-2018 edition, 2016-2017 edition, 2015-2016 edition, 2014-2015 edition , or the 2013-2014 edition .

If you are entering the program in Fall 2021 or later, visit the page for the current B.A. degree.

Degree Programs

The English Department offers a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree that focuses on the study of language; reading, analysis, and critical interpretation; intensive instruction in writing; English, American, and World literatures; and literary, rhetorical, and critical theory. The B.A. also requires students to study a foreign language through the 202 level. View B.A. Learning Outcomes.


Within the B.A. degree, students choose one of the following two tracks, depending on their interests:

  • Literatures Track
    This track provides focused, in-depth study of literary and cultural texts across a diverse range of genres, historical periods, and cultural traditions; it also offers intensive instruction in critical writing.
  • Writings Track
    This track emphasizes both the theory and practice of writing, providing students with in-depth knowledge and training in nonfiction argument, technical writing, journalism, creative writing, writing for electronic media, and more.

While each track has its own specific courses and requirements, the English major as a whole ensures cohesion by requiring all students to complete a common Core sequence, take at least two "crossover" courses in their non-primary track, and choose from a shared pool of ENG 400 research seminars.

Course Offerings

The English Department offers a wide range of courses in literature, rhetoric & composition, creative writing, and more. We maintain small class sizes that enable dynamic discussions, meaningful teacher-student interaction, and extensive feedback on student writing.

  • English Core Courses
    The English Core introduces our majors to the key theoretical concepts and critical practices in English Studies and prepares them for our diverse array of intermediate-level courses.
  • ENG 400 Seminars
    All majors take ENG 400 Research Seminars as they near the end of their undergraduate careers. These variable-topics seminars are smaller, research-intensive courses that encourage students to explore topics in depth.
  • Undergraduate Catalog
    The WCU Undergraduate Catalog provides a comprehensive listing of all English courses and course descriptions.
  • Search Schedule of Classes
    Students should consult the English Majors' Handbook to select the courses they need each semester, then cross-reference those choices with the online Schedule of Classes.


All students at WCU are assigned an academic advisor to help guide them through their undergraduate careers. As an English major, you'll meet with your advisor at least once per semester to evaluate your academic status, plan your schedule for the following term, have your enrollment hold lifted, and discuss any other issues relevant to your academic career. Read More.


The English Department encourages all of its majors to pursue internships. The advantages are numerous: internships enable you to apply your reading and writing skills to real workplace situations, make informed decisions about your career plans, and build valuable contacts. Our students have completed an exciting array of internships—in journalism, publishing, broadcasting, marketing, public relations, social media, and more—both on and off campus. Read More.

Transfer FAQs

Are you seeking transfer credit for an English course that you took at a previous school? Or are you seeking permission to take future English courses elsewhere while you remain a student at WCU? If either of these scenarios applies to you, please consult our list of transfer students' Frequently Asked Questions.










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