Ethnic Studies Minor Spring Informational Fair

Thursday, Feb. 1st
4:30—6:00 pm
102 Old Library Building

Refreshments and appetizers!

Ethnic Studies Informational Fair

Zoom Link to Informational Fair

The Institute of Race and Ethnic Studies

The Institute of Race and Ethnic Studies oversees the minor in Ethnic Studies. The Institute organizes cultural programming on diversity that includes seminars, speakers, and grant applications.

The Ethnic Studies minor at West Chester University is interdisciplinary in nature, including six focus areas. Students select one of these areas (see below) and take courses in such disciplines as anthropology, education, English, history, philosophy, political science, public administration, social work, and sociology.

The goals are to enhance students' appreciation and understanding of ethnic diversity through ethnic studies courses, seminars, research, scholarly conferences, and cultural programs.

The minor requires 18 credit hours of ethnic studies courses: one core course from ANT 220: Cultures of Ethnic Groups in America, SOC 335: Race and Cultural Minorities, or SWO 225: Race Relations, and five additional ethnic studies course electives (go to course list link for a list of electives). Relevant cognate courses are to be chosen in consultation with the student's advisor.

The focus areas are:

  • African American Studies
  • Asian American Studies
  • Latino/a Studies
  • Jewish American Studies
  • Native American Studies
  • Multi-Ethnic Studies

The multi-ethnic studies courses are to be selected from the five other focus areas with no more than two courses in any given area.

There are also special interdisciplinary study opportunities which allow ethnic studies minors to: work on oral histories, participate in planning scholarly conferences and special programs, work on archaeological excavations, participate in internships, and study abroad.

How to apply for the minor:

Students apply for the minor by submitting a request to add a minor through your myWCU account.

Classes are listed by focus. Please contact the Director of The Institute of Race and Ethnic Studies to inquire about classes not included on this list.

Ethnic Studies minor course guide sheet