
Wayne Hanley

Courses Taught

  • HIS 328: French Revolution and Napoleon
  • HIS 421: History of England to 1688
  • HIS 422: History of England since 1688
  • HIS 427: Modern France
  • HIS 400: Seminar (Enlightenment)
  • HIS 534: French Revolution and Napoleon
  • HIS 650/651: Graduate Seminar (Enlightenment)

About Me

Wayne Hanley is a professor of history and holds a doctorate in modern European history from the University of Missouri-Columbia (1998) with a specialty in Revolutionary France. He received his B.A. in history from the University of Missouri-Rolla (1985) and M.A.s from Central Missouri State University at Warrensburg, Missouri (history, 1987 and English, 1990). Prior to joining the faculty of West Chester University in Fall 2000, Dr. Hanley was an adjunct professor of history and director of an educational professional development center at the University of Missouri-Rolla and an assistant professor of history at Lincoln University (Missouri). He is author of The Genesis of Napoleonic Propaganda, 1796-1799 (Columbia University Press, 2005; e-book, 2003), editor of Napoleonic Scholarship (the journal of the International Napoleonic Society), numerous articles on various aspects of literature and French history, and has presented papers on both history and literature at academic conferences. He is the winner of the American Historical Association's 2000 Gutenberg-e Prize and a recipient of the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award (2018). He is currently working on a biography of one of Napoleon's marshals, Michel Ney. When not doing professor things, Dr. Hanley can be found sailing on the Chesapeake.

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