April 10 at 2pm Conversation and Coffee with George Lakey - Anderson Hall Rm 302. Call Dean Johnson X4423 for additional information.

April 10 at 7pm Dying Out Loud (Female Prison Documentary) - BPMC 101

April 11 at 7pm Animals and Autism, Temple Grandin - Live Streaming of Sold-out Event - Sykes Theatre & Philadelphia Location. Free Registration on Eventbrite.

April 11 at 3:20pm Linguistics Speaker Series 2019 - Dialect Density in Spanish - English Dual Language Learners, Dr. Jodi Reich - Anderson Hall 211

April 11 at 3:30pm Ultramarina Editorial - Sally Perret, Ph.D. - Building Bridges and Creative Communities MIT 102; workshop to follow at 4:30pm MIT 207.  Contact mcampillo@wcupa.edu for additional information.

April 11 at 4:30pm "Queer Experimental Literature and the Narration of Kinship" - Main 200

April 11-12 at 7:30pm Progressions, Spring Dance Concert - Madelein Wing Adler Theatre

April 13 at 2:00pm & 7:30pm Progressions, Spring Dance Concert - Madelein Wind Adler Theatre

April 13 at 10:00am "Are You Mindful? - The Science Linking Mindfulness, Stress & Health" by Jeffrey M Greeson, Ph.D. - 700 S. Church St

April 16 at 3:30pm "Sport-Religion-Politics" by Dr. Marcia Sachs Littell - Schmucker Science Link 151

April 16 at 6:30pm "The Holocaust in Popular Culture and Public History" - Sykes Theater

April 17 at 12noon Sustainability Research and Practice Seminar - Teaching Sustainability in Public Health - Sykes 255A

April 24 at 11:00am Exercise is Medicine On Campus, Keynote Speaker:Arianne Missimer - Academic Quad

April 26 at 3:00pm 2019 Arbor Day Celebration for Dr. James L'heureux - Barclay Park (corner of High and Marshall Streets)

April 26  Registration Deadline for WCU Speech and Hearing Clinic for preschoolers, school-age children and adolescents -201 Carter Dr #400.  Contact Jacki at jjohnson@wcupa.edu for additional information.

April 29 9:00am Stress Buster Day - Ehinger Gym Annex.  Contact CCS@wcupa.edu for additional information.

June 2019 WCU in Ghana Contact: arichman@wcupa.edu for additional information.

July 9 - 19 Session 1 - Pennsylvania Theatre Institute Young Company camps for ages 8-14.  www.pennsylvaniatheatreinstitute.com for additional information.

July 17 - 19 Pre-College Intensive two week summer training program.  Contact Katherine@pennsylvaniatheatreinstitute.com for additional information.

July 22 - August 2 Session 2 - Pennsylvania Theatre Institute Young Company camps for ages 8-14.  www.pennsylvaniatheatreinstitute.com for additional information.