Purple And Gold Day


How to register for Purple & Gold Day:

  1. Sign into your WCU dashboard
  2. Under "My Events" on the right-hand side, click "Go To"
  3. Click "Invited" and register for April 6th

Sign Into My Dashboard

 Questions? Contact the Office of Graduate Admissions at ugadmiss@wcupa.edu or 610-436-3411


Please join us for the following:

  • Academic Presentations
  • Walking and Bus Tours
  • A Variety of Information Sessions
  • The Office of Admissions, Financial Aid, Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (OSSD), and Campus Store will also be open.

Parking, Directions, and Accomodations


Detailed parking information will be provided closer to the event via your secondary confirmation email.


Please review Driving Directions.

Please note, due to road construction on the area roads surrounding West Chester, traffic may be heavy at peak travel hours. Please allow extra time in traveling to WCU for your visit.

Local Accommodations

Please review https://www.wcupa.edu/visitors/lodging.aspx


For questions or to cancel your reservation, please e-mail the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

Persons with disabilities who may need special accommodations during this event should also contact Sarah Smith, Associate Director of Admissions, at 610-436-6909 at least two weeks prior to Purple & Gold Day.

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