Grade and Credit Types
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- Obtain Schedule and Grades
- Order Official Transcript
- Run Degree Progress Report (DPR)
Grade Types
AU - (Audit)
Auditing a course means that you are officially registered for the course - it appears on the official transcript, but the course will not count towards the GPA or degree requirements.
Please Note:
- Students are permitted to audit one course per semester.
- The fees for auditing a course are the same as if the course was being taken for credit.
- An audited course will not fulfill any requirement towards degree completion.
- A course status of audit may not be changed after it has been declared.
- The grade of Audit (AU) is recorded on your transcript.
How do I Elect to Audit a Course?
- Register for the course just as if you were receiving credit.
- Submit a Course Audit Form with the Office of the University Registrar. Electronic submissions are accepted!
- Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the deadline to submit a request to audit a course.
For more information regarding auditing a course, please refer to the Academic Catalog.
E - (Earned Credit)
This grade was implemented to support the Spring 2020 Alternative Grading Policy and 2020-2021 Academic Year Alternative Grading Policy. This grade is applicable to the following semesters:
- Spring 2020
- Fall 2020
- Winter 2020/2021
- Spring 2021
- Summer 2021
This grade indicates that credit was earned for the course, but there was no impact on Term or Cumulative GPA.
IP - (In Progress)
A grade of "IP" is assigned to indicate work in progress and will be used only for courses involving work that is expected to extend beyond the end of the term, such as practica, internships, recitals, and research reports.
Undergraduate Courses:
- If a Change of Grade is not submitted by the end of the ninth instructional week of the equivalent semester of the following year, the grade of "IP" is changed to an "F" automatically.
Graduate Courses:
- Students must complete course requirements as stipulated by the professor and not later than the end of the fourteenth instructional week of the second subsequent semester or the "IP" grade will convert to an "F" at the end of the semester.
Please be aware that grades of "F" are punitive grades, as those courses will not earn credit towards degree completion.
For more information regarding grades of "IP", please refer to the Academic Catalog.
M - (Military Withdrawal)
Effective for Summer 2015. In accordance with PA House Bill No. 1460:
- A non-punitive grade of "M" will be given for military students and spouses who have to withdraw due to military obligation.
- PA National Guard and other reserve components called to active duty (for reasons other than for training) and their spouses will receive a grade of "M" when unable to complete classes due to activation for military obligations.
Students who need to withdraw from WCU due to military obligations should complete the Undergraduate Term and/or University Withdrawal Form and submit it to the Office of the University Registrar. Students will also need to provide documentation of their military obligation, such as military orders or a letter from their commanding officer. Electronic submissions are accepted!
For more information regarding Military Withdrawal, please refer to the Academic Catalog.
N - (No Credit)
This grade was implemented to support the Spring 2020 Alternative Grading Policy and 2020-2021 Academic Year Alternative Grading Policy. This grade is applicable to the following semesters:
- Spring 2020
- Fall 2020
- Winter 2020/2021
- Spring 2021
- Summer 2021
This grade indicates that no credit was earned for the course and has no impact on Term or Cumulative GPA. This is a punitive grade, as courses with this grade do not earn credit towards degree completion.
NG - (No Grade)
A grade of "NG" is assigned when an arrangement has been made between the student and the instructor to complete coursework beyond the confines of the semester or session.
Undergraduate Courses:
- If a Change of Grade is not submitted by the end of the ninth instructional week of the subsequent semester, the grade of "NG" is changed to an "F" automatically.
Graduate Courses:
- Students must complete course requirements as stipulated by the professor and not later than the end of the fourteenth instructional week of the subsequent semester or the "NG" grade will convert to an "F" at the end of the semester.
Please be aware that grades of "F" are punitive grades, as those courses will not earn credit towards degree completion.
For more information regarding grades of "NG", please refer to the Academic Catalog.
P / F - (Pass/Fail)
Undergraduate Students (Graduate Students are not eligible to elect Pass/Fail):
- All students who are sophomores, juniors, or seniors (earned at least 30 credits) with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 are eligible to take courses as pass/fail.
- The pass/fail privilege is limited to one course per semester and only free electives
may be taken on a pass/fail basis.
- Free electives may not be used to satisfy major, core, cognate, or general education (including distributive) requirements. Interdisciplinary, diverse communities, and writing emphasis course taken to satisfy these requirements may not be taken as pass/fail.
- A grade of Pass (P) carries credit value, but not affect the GPA.
- A grade of Fail (F) does affect the GPA. This is a punitive grade, as courses with this grade do not earn credit towards degree completion.
- After submitting the request to Pass/Fail, the student may not request or accept any grade other than "P" or "F".
How do I Elect to Pass/Fail a Course?
- Register for the course.
- Submit a Pass/Fail Form with the Office of the University Registrar. Electronic submissions are accepted!
- Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the deadline to submit a request to audit a course.
For more information regarding Pass/Fail, please refer to the Academic Catalog.
S - (Satisfactory)
This grade was implemented to support the Spring 2020 Alternative Grading Policy and 2020-2021 Academic Year Alternative Grading Policy. This grade is applicable to the following semesters:
- Spring 2020
- Fall 2020
- Winter 2020/2021
- Spring 2021
- Summer 2021
This grade indicated that credit was earned for the course, but there was no impact on Term or Cumulative GPA.
T - (Transfer Credit)
How do I get Transfer Credits posted to my WCU Student Record?
Prior to taking the Course:
- Review WCU Transfer Policies regarding taking courses off campus.
- Courses must be taken for a letter grade (no audits, no pass/fail).
- Courses failed at WCU may not be repeated at another institution.
- Only the credits earned will transfer back to WCU, not the grade earned, UNLESS you
elect to take a class at another PASSHE Institution and complete the PASSHE Visiting Student Form (in lieu of the Transfer Credit Permission Form).
- Taking a course at another PASSHE institution permits the credits AND grade to be transferred back to WCU without loss of institutional residency, eligibility for honors and athletics, or credits towards graduation.
- Obtain a Transfer Credit Permission Form or PASSHE Visiting Student Form.
- If you do not file a form with the Office of the University Registrar prior to taking the course, you may not receive credit. Electronic submissions are accepted!
- Fill out the top part of the form.
- Check the Transfer Credit Equivalencies to see if an equivalency has been established for the courses you wish to take.
- If an equivalent has been established:
- Submit the form to the Office of the University Registrar. Electronic submissions are accepted!
- If no equivalency has been established:
- Go to the department chair of the WCU course equivalent (i.e. if you want to take
a chemistry course, you need to see the Chemistry Department Chairperson).
- Bring the course description with you (may appear in other institution's course schedule or catalog).
- The department chair will determine the WCU Course Equivalent, and sign the form, noting approval.
- Submit the form to the Office of the University Registrar. Electronic submissions are accepted!
- Go to the department chair of the WCU course equivalent (i.e. if you want to take
a chemistry course, you need to see the Chemistry Department Chairperson).
- If an equivalent has been established:
Once the Course is Completed:
- Request that an official transcript be sent to the Office of the University Registrar.
- If you are sending your transcripts electronically, send to
- Courses that successfully transfer into WCU will be posted to the student record and issued a grade of "T" (unless the PASSHE Visiting Student Form was completed - in those cases, the actual grade earned will be posted to the WCU record).
The University reserves the right to reassess the precise distribution of course credits awarded.
W - (Withdrawal)
Withdrawing from a Course:
A non-punitive grade of "W" will be entered on the academic record of any student who withdraws from a course after the Add/Drop period and before the Course Withdrawal period ends.
This action can be completed through myWCU - once you log in, use the "Drop" tab on the "Enroll in Classes" page.
Students who fail to officially withdraw from a course can expect to receive a grade of "F" for the course and are financial obligated to pay for it.
Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the Course Withdrawal deadlines.
Withdrawing from the Term/University
A non-punitive grade of "W" will be entered on the academic record of any student who withdrawals from the semester/University before the Term Withdrawal deadline.
This action cannot be completed through myWCU - students must complete the withdrawal form and submit it to the appropriate University office. The withdrawal date is the date the office receives the withdrawal form.
Undergraduate Students:
- Complete the Term/University Withdrawal Request Form and submit it to the Office of the University Registrar. Electronic submissions are accepted!
Graduate Students:
- Complete the Graduate Term/University Withdrawal Request Form and submit it to The Graduate School.
Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the Semester/Term Withdrawal deadline.
Y - (Administrative Withdrawal)
A grade of "Y" is given under appeal when there is documentation that the student never, in fact, attended class. Other extenuating circumstances regarding administrative withdrawal my be reviewed by the Vice Provost. No refunds are associated with this grade.
Z - (Student Stops Attending without Giving Official Notice)
A grade of "Z" is given when a student stops attending a course and fails to officially withdrawal from it. The grade is counted the same way that an "F" would count towards the GPA. Please be aware that grades of "Z" are punitive grades, as those courses will not earn credit towards degree completion.
The grade assigned to the student must reflect the percentage equivalent of the plus, minus, and straight grades earned in a course.
Course Options
Credit By Exam
Earn credit for a course by completing an exam or other form of assessment.
Please Note:
- You must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00.
- You must demonstrate evidence of satisfactory academic background for the course.
- You must not have completed a more advanced course that presupposes knowledge gained
in the course.
- For example, credit by exam cannot be given for FRE101 after you have passed FRE102.
- Credits attempted or earned though credit by examination are not counted in the student class load.
- You may not take a course by examination if you have previously taken the course but have not achieved a satisfactory grade in the course.
How do I do it?
- Complete the Credit by Examination Form.
- Once approvals are granted, you will need to pay a nominal fee at the Office of the Bursar.
- Return completed form, with proof of payment, to the Office of the University Registrar
for processing. Electronic submissions are accepted!
- The Credit by Examination Form must be submitted by the end of the semester Add/Drop period.
Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the semester and session Add/Drop deadlines.
Course Repeats
Course repeats are calculated automatically. Once the repeated course is graded, the original grade will still appear on your record, but it will no longer be used in your GPA calculation. The most recent grade, regardless of it being higher or lower, will be the one used in the GPA calculation.
Developmental/Remedial Courses ("Q" Courses)
Developmental/Remedial courses, designated with a "Q" number (e.g. MAT Q30), are developmental in nature and help to establish a foundation for success in future coursework. These courses do not count as earned credit or apply towards the 120 minimum credits required for graduation, but they are calculated into the student's cumulative GPA.
Independent Study / Individualized Instruction
Independent Study:
- Many academic departments offer an independent study course for students with demonstrated ability and special interests. This course is appropriate when a student has a specialized and compelling academic interest that cannot be pursued within the framework of a regular course.
- An overall GPA of 2.00 or higher and a minimum GPA of 2.00 in a student's major courses are required.
- Forms are due by the end of the Add/Drop period for the semester and requires signatures from the Department Chairperson and the Dean of the College.
Individualized Instruction:
- Individualized Instruction is the teaching of a regularly listed catalog course to a single student.
- Individualized Instruction is offered only when the University has canceled or failed to offer a course according to schedule.
- Forms are due by the end of the Add/Drop period for the semester and requires signatures from the Department Chairperson and the Dean of the College.
How do I do it?
- Complete the Independent Study / Individualized Instruction Form.
- The form will be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar once all signatures
are gathered. Electronic submissions are accepted!
- The Independent Study / Individualized Instruction Form must be submitted by the end of the semester Add/Drop period.
Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the semester and session Add/Drop deadlines.