Official Forms of the Registrar: Academic Credentials
Use myWCU to:
- Obtain Enrollment Verification
- Order Official Transcripts for $7.00 (Paper or E-Transcript)
- Order a Replacement Paper Diploma
- Order a Certified Electronic Diploma (CeDiploma): $8.95 - for May 2015 & Future Graduates
Key Resources:
Official West Chester University Academic Credentials and Policies
The University’s official credentials are outlined below.
Official Paper and Electronic Transcripts
Official Paper Transcripts
The official academic transcript provides all the details of a Student’s academic
record including major, minor, concentration, and specialization, as well as courses,
grades, and grade point average (GPA).
This document can be authenticated by following the instructions printed on the back of the transcript.
Official E-Transcripts
The official academic electronic transcript provides all the details of a Student’s
academic record including major, minor, concentration, and specialization, as well
as courses, grades, and grade point average (GPA).
All e-transcripts are Digitally Signed and must be viewed in Adobe Reader or Acrobat 9.0 or higher. Only Digitally Signed transcripts displaying a blue ribbon should be accepted.
Official Diplomas
The Certified Electronic Diploma
The official Certified Electronic Diploma (CeDiploma1) provides the details of a Student’s degree, including conferral date and a unique
number (CeDiD1) displayed top left of the document.
All CeDiplomas must be validated through West Chester University website using the above mentioned CeDiD and must be viewed in Adobe Reader or Acrobat 9.0 or higher. Only Digitally Signed CeDiplomas by CeCredential Trust, displaying a blue ribbon should be accepted. However, a blue ribbon does not mean the degree is valid and therefore must be validated through the West Chester University website, as indicated above, for the current status.
1 CeDiploma and CeDiD are a Registered Trademark, Paradigm, Inc., 2015
Other Official Credentials
Enrollment and Degree Verification
This is a free service provided by West Chester University through the National Student
Clearinghouse. These are ways to officially verify a students record, enrollment,
or degree.
Enrollment Verification: Students may print off the enrollment verification which is considered an official copy of enrollment at WCU.
Degree Verification: A degree verification is an official document which verifies a student’s completed degree from the University. It includes their name, degree, major, and conferral date. It will take approximately 2-3 business days for the degree verification letter to be processed.
Information on Unofficial Documents
The Paper Diploma
Although the paper diploma is an official document issued by the University, it should
not be used as validation of a student’s degree.
Replacement Paper Diploma: A replacement paper diploma must be ordered online. Ordering instructions can be found by visiting our Paper Diplomas webpage.
The "Unofficial" Transcript
An unofficial academic transcript includes all of the information found on an official transcript but does not include the student's name. Learn how to access Unofficial Transcripts in myWCU.
The Degree Progress Report (DPR)
The Degree Progress Report is a guide for a student's academic progress and is essential
for faculty and students. The DPR should only be used for academic advising and guidance. Learn how to access the DPR in myWCU.