Enrollment Forms
Change Campus Location
Graduate students requesting to change the campus where they attend courses.
Course Audit
Audit a course (no GPA grade/non-credit). This form must be filed by the ninth week
of the semester. Refer to the Graduate Catalog for official policy. Learn more about Audit (AU) Grade/Credit Types
Independent Study/Individualized Instruction
Study a subject area working independently with a faculty instructor. Learn more about IS/II Grade/Credit Types
Leave of Absence
Graduate students requesting a Leave of Absence. A maximum of two consecutive semesters
of non-enrollment are permitted before a student must enroll or request a Leave of
Absence. Please review the Enrollment Policy for additional information.
Change Degree Program (Formerly Change of Curriculum)
Current graduate students requesting to change their active degree program to a new
degree program. Newly admitted students should not use this form and should contact if interested in changing degree program before your first semester begins.
Change/Remove Concentration
Graduate students requesting to add a concentration or change/remove their current
concentration in their current degree program. (ie, MS Applied Statistics to MS Applied
Statistics – Business and Marketing; or vice versa)
Undergraduates taking Graduate Courses for Undergraduate Credit **
Undergraduate students requesting to enroll in a graduate course for undergraduate
**Before completing one of these forms, undergraduate students should contact the Graduate School to discuss your registration options at
If you are looking for accelerated bachelor’s to master’s forms, please visit the Accelerated Programs website.
Term/University Withdrawal Request Form
This form is to be used by graduate students who wish to withdrawal from all of their
classes for the term or to request withdraw from the university.
Enrollment Processes
Adding a Graduate Certificate to Current Degree Program
Students can request graduate certificates be added to their academic plan of study
by using the Request to Add a Certificate link located under useful links in their myWCU portal.
Teaching Certification Information
Students should contact the Certification Office for information about:
- PA Teaching Certification
- Out of State Verification Process
- Final Signatures for Approved Program of Study (APS) – post baccalaureate requirement
- Act 48
- Testing (WCU Professional Testing Center)
- Clearances (Office of Candidate Services)
- Field Placements (Office of Clinical Experiences)
- Tk20 and Candidate Assessment Resources
Enrollment Verification
Free service provided by West Chester University through the National Student Clearinghouse.
You may print off the enrollment verification which is considered an official copy
of your enrollment at WCU.
Transfer of Graduate Credit Request
Newly admitted graduate students requesting to transfer graduate credits for classes
already completed at another institution prior to admission to a WCU graduate program.
Transfer of Graduate Credit Pre-Approval Request
Graduate students requesting pre-approval before taking a graduate course at another
institution to transfer as credit to current WCU graduate program.
International Transfer of Graduate Credit Pre-Approval
Graduate students complete this approval process as part of the West Chester University’s
study abroad online application
PASSHE Visiting Student Form for Graduate Students
Permits graduate students to apply to take classes at another Pennsylvania State System
of Higher Education (PASSHE) institution. Registering as a visiting student will permit
courses to be transferred across the System, without loss of institutional residency,
eligibility for honors or athletics, or credit towards graduation at the home institution.
Petition for Exception to Policy
Graduate students requesting an exception to policies/regulations. This form should
not be used for grade appeals or academic integrity cases. For questions regarding
Grade Appeals or Academic Integrity, please email The Graduate School at
Readmission Request
Graduate students requesting readmission to the program in which they were previously
enrolled. Inactive students seeking to apply to a new program should complete an application
at ApplyNow. Active students seeking to change a program should complete the Change Degree Program form.
Students seeking readmission after academic dismissal should use the Petition for Exception to Policy form above.
Degree Candidacy Application
Graduate students applying for degree candidacy (if applicable). Please refer to the
policies section for your program in the Graduate Catalog to determine if you need
to apply for degree candidacy. For questions, please email the Graduate School at
Thesis and Doctoral Project Registration and Research Compliance
Graduate students completing a thesis or doctoral culminating project should complete
this form as early as possible, but no later than the semester before they anticipate
Master’s Thesis Examining Committee Approval
Effective Fall 2018, this form is optional and for use only for programs that require
it. Contact your Graduate Coordinator to determine if the form is required for your
Doctoral Project Title Submission
Doctoral candidates must submit the title of their doctoral project for the commencement
program by November 1st for the Fall semester or March 29th for the Spring semester
the student intends to graduate.
For additional information regarding theses and doctoral projects, please visit Thesis and Doctoral Culminating Projects.
Change of Bio/Demo Information
Change your personal information. Former students can opt to change their address
via myWCU or via this form. Former students who no longer have access to myWCU should contact the Help Desk to
reset their password.
Change of Address (myWCU)
All current WCU students must use the myWCU portal to change their local address.
Please see the "Change my Address" link under the "Useful Links" section. No forms
will be accepted to change current students' addresses.
Non-Disclosure of Directory Information
Graduate students who want to restrict certain bio/demo directory information to WCU
publications such as the West Chester Graduate Catalog and Ram's Eye View Student
Handbook, must submit this form to the Office of the Registrar within 15 calendar
days after the beginning of each fall semester.
Residency Classification Data Collection
Request to change residency status from out-of-state to in-state.
For more information on the above forms, please visit the Office of the Registrar.
Please Note:
"Graduation" refers to the process of degree conferral upon completion of all degree requirements.
"Commencement" refers to the process of participating in the Commencement ceremony.
Apply for Graduation
Apply for graduation using the link found in the RamPortal. You must apply for graduation
for the term you are completing your last degree requirement Deadlines to apply for
graduation: May – apply by February 1, August – apply by June 1, December – apply
by October 1. If you miss the deadline, please send an email to
Commencement Information
View information regarding graduate commencement ceremonies, ordering academic regalia,
and tickets.
*Effective in 2024, August graduates participate in the May ceremony.
Order Transcripts and Replacement Diplomas
Transcripts and diplomas can be ordered via the Office of the Registrar. Please review
the Academic Credentials website for more information regarding the types of transcripts and diplomas as well
as the ordering processes.
Graduate Dean’s Professional Development Award
The Graduate Dean's Professional Development Award provides funding to current graduate
students to attend conferences that are beneficial to professional development and
degree advancement.
Employer Reimbursement
West Chester University’s Employer Reimbursement Plan is designed for students whose
employers offer reimbursement for tuition charges. It allows participants to defer
their tuition payments to West Chester University until after the term has been completed.
There are no finance or interest charges.
WCU Scholarship Database
West Chester University’s Financial Aid Office provides information on additional
scholarships available for graduate students.
Sallie Mae Graduate School Scholarship Search
Sallie Mae offers a free search tool for graduate students seeking scholarships.
*If you are looking for information about graduate assistantships, please visit the Graduate Assistantship website
The Graduate School is committed to providing a comprehensive list of forms and processes in a central location to assist graduate students. If you are aware of a form or process that impacts graduate students, please provide the link to that information to for consideration of posting on this site.