Teaching Certification
Graduate K-12 Teaching Certification in French, German, or Spanish
Graduate students in the MA in Languages and Cultures have the option to obtain a Pennsylvania K-12 Teaching Certification in French, German, or Spanish. Students with a BA degree in French, German, or Spanish (or related field) may apply to do only the Graduate K-12 Teaching Certification as a post-baccalaureate graduate program or to do both the MA and the Teaching Certification in a dual track. We recommend obtaining the Teaching Certification in conjunction with our MA program in Languages and Cultures, as teachers with a graduate degree can strengthen their knowledge of the field, as well as earn a higher salary.
Graduate students in the dual track (MA in French, German, or Spanish + Teaching Certification in French, German, or Spanish) may choose to do their teaching certification coursework first and then continue with their graduate courses in Languages and Cultures, if so desired.
MA Languages and Cultures Requirements for Graduate Teaching Certification
MA in Languages and Cultures (in French, German, or Spanish) + Graduate Teaching Certification (Dual Track Students)
3 Online Core Courses in English (9 credits)
- LNC 501 Linguistic Studies
- LNC 502 Interpretive Strategies
- LNC 503 Cultural Studies
6 Target-Language Courses (18 credits)
Select at least two Culture area courses; at least 2 Communication area courses; and
2 additional target-language courses from any of the Culture or Communication categories
in your concentration language.
- Complete Assessment 7 in one of these courses.
Graduate Teaching Certification Only (Post-baccalaureate Students)
2 Target-Language Courses (6 credits)
Students doing only the Teaching Certification must take at least two graduate target-language
courses from any of the Culture or Communication categories in their concentration
- Complete Assessment 7 in one of these courses.
Courses Prior to Teacher Candidacy
Courses Prior to Teacher Candidacy (18-21 Credits)
- ANT 102 Cultural Anthropology (required for PA K-12 Teaching Certification)
- EDA 511 Inclusion and Collaboration
- ERM 531 Principles of Educational Testing
- EDA 542 Foundations of Special Education
- EDP 550 Advanced Educational Psychology
- EDP 569 Adolescent Development and Learning
Education Courses and Exams
Education Courses after Admission to Teacher Candidacy (22-24 Credits)
- EDT 500 Educational Technology (or EDM 349 1 credit Technology Tools Teacher/Learning) or LAN 555 Computer Applications for Language Learning
- SED 505 Field Experience For Secondary Teachers
- EDR 550 Literacy Development and Secondary Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Classroom
- LAN 503 Techniques of Second Language Teaching (prerequisite if candidate has never taken a linguistics course: LIN 501 or LNC 501)
- SED 411 Student Teaching Sec - 1st Half (6 credits)*
- SED 412 Student Teaching Sec - 2nd Half (6 credits)*
*Student teaching is not for graduate credit but is required for PA K-12 Teaching Certification. Prerequisite: ACTLF Exams. The following exams are required before SED 411-412: OPI and WPT Exams. PA K-12 Graduate Teaching Certification students should to take the Praxis exam "Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge (#5511)" and the OPI and WPT exams of the ACTFL/LTI (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages/Language Testing International) and obtain a score of Intermediate High (IH) or Advanced Low (AL):
- Praxis Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge Exam (#5511). The Praxis exam is commonly used to assess teacher candidates' knowledge and classroom skills to aid in determining how well candidates are prepared for teaching in four categories: English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Science, and Science. All Pennsylvania PK-12 area educators must score at least 150 on the Praxis Content Knowledge Exam (Praxis #5511).
- Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). The ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) is a proficiency-based means of assessing how well a person speaks a language. The OPI is a 20-30 minute one-on-one telephone interview between a certified ACTFL tester and an examinee. The OPI assesses the ability to use language effectively and appropriately in real-life situations and spontaneous unrehearsed language.
- Writing Proficiency Test (WPT). The ACTFL Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) is a web-based, proctored, standardized test of the global assessment of functional writing ability in a language. ACTFL writing tests assess writing proficiency in terms of the ability to write effectively and appropriately for real-life writing purposes. The WPT measures how well a person spontaneously writes in a language (without access to revisions and/or editing tools). Rating occurs by comparing the writer's performance of specific writing tasks to the criteria stated by a proficiency rating scale such as the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines for Writing.
The Praxis Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge (#5511) exam is required. The Praxis II World Languages tests are no longer a requirement for program completion; the Basic Skills test is also not required for Graduate Teaching Certification students (post-baccalaureate candidates who have already completed an undergraduate degree).
Teaching Certification Resources
- College of Education and Social Work
- CANDIDATE SERVICES- Teacher Candidacy
- Testing Services (Praxis)
- Field Placements and Student Teaching
- Clearances
- Teacher Certification Information
- Graduate Teaching Certification Advisor for Languages and Cultures: Dr. Meg Niiler mniiler@wcupa.edu
- Supervisor of Teacher Education in Languages and Cultures: Prof. Shannon Athey sathey@wcupa.edu