Navigate Student Mobile App View- Summer 2022

The student mobile app version of Navigate can be easily downloaded from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. Search for Navigate Student and look for the EAB Navigate icon Download Navigate 1.
Or download using the QR codes below:

Download Navigate 2

The mobile app is available to students only. There is no mobile app for faculty or staff. The Navigate student mobile app allows students to have access to the various functions in Navigate such as: viewing your class schedule, finding locations and resource offices, adding, and viewing to-dos, etc… in the palm of their hand.

Below is an example of what you will see when you open the EAB Navigate app on your phone (Home Page)

Mobile Homepage - Account Information, Today's Date, Calendar and Class Reminders, Various Features in your Navigate account.

Once you choose an icon to explore, you can either hit the back button to return to the previous screen or click on the list icon in the lower right corner.

Course Schedules

There are two ways to view your class schedule.

List View: The list view displays all the details related to your class such as: course number, course title, day, and time.

Schedule View: Displays all your classes on your calendar for easy viewing. You can click on any of the classes to see more details about the class.

Preview of List View and Schedule View

Other features available are Account Info, To-Dos, and Resources.

Account Information: Name, Student ID #, WCU Email address, Update To-Do Topics, or Notification Settings, Adding personal to-dos, viewing current and upcoming To-Dos including items on the academic calendar (deadlines, etc...), Provides a list of offices and a search feature to view contact information. The app features will grow as new features are added to WCU Navigate. Please DO NOT remove the app! For technical assistance email

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